Mou l’esquelet [Move your body] - scRakeja’t 2.0
This artistic intervention combines dance, acting, live music, training, community participation and interaction with the general public, with the aim of bringing dance to all kinds of audiences with rhythm, surprises and fun. It is a fusion of contemporary and urban dance, based on a battle (“danced combat”) performed by five strident characters of very diverse origins, who will fight to their last breaths in order to be the universal champions of movement art!
CobosMika is a company founded in Germany in 2000 by Olga Cobos and Peter Mika, after spending time dancing with renowned international companies and winning prestigious awards. With a clear affinity for the territory, since 2006 they have been based in Palamós and active in the areas of creation and education. They are developing the SEEDs project, professional training aimed at young dancers from around the world. CobosMika is the resident company at La Gorga theatre in Palamós, offering advice on movement arts.
* For some sessions you need to buy a transport ticket.
Planned functions