Due to the weather forecast, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

En residència

Educational project

Once again, Dansa Metropolitana aims to bring dance and the movement arts to secondary, post-secondary and artistic vocational training students in the participating cities, through free, cross-cutting dance classes and activities for young audiences. A way of sparking conversations and understanding this artistic discipline as a space for expression and reflection, criticism and protest.

The project includes open rehearsals of artists and companies participating in the festival to teach students about art and critical thinking, as well as specific workshops to get them dancing. 

LaSúbita, Mucha Muchacha, La Quebrá, Brodas Bros, Ruth Prim & José y sus hermanas, Aurora Bauzà, Pere Jou, Mar García, and Javi Soler are some of the companies and artists who will offer activities as part of the educational project, along with EN RESiDÈNCIA, which is once again participating in open creative processes for new pieces by Sonia Gómez, Kernel Dance Theatre, Blanca Tolsá, and Vera Mantero. 

The educational project involves all the cities in the Dansa Metropolitana festival: Badalona, Barcelona, Cornellà, Esplugues, l’Hospitalet, el Prat, Granollers, Sabadell, Santa Coloma, Sant Cugat, Terrassa and Viladecans.

With more than forty activities, the programme is designed to actively engage over 800 students in what it means to enjoy dance: 

  • Open rehearsals with the companies participating in Dansa Metropolitana 2025 as part of the EN RESiDÈNCIA programme at Barcelona secondary schools
  • The Best of Both Worlds workshop with Mar García and Javi Solé
  • EMBODYING THE VOICE workshop with Pere Jou and Aurorà Bauzà
  • Fiesta de jinetes [Riders’ Party] workshop with Mucha Muchacha
  • Narratives en moviment [Narratives in Motion] workshop with Ruth Prim & José y sus hermanas
  • Other workshops with LaSúbita, La Quebrá and Brodas Bros
  • Workshops at the Institut del Teatre’s Conservatory of Dance
En residència