Educational project
Once again, Dansa Metropolitana aims to bring dance and the movement arts to secondary, post-secondary and vocational training students in the participating cities, through free training and activities which, in some cases, include educational material to bring the world of dance to young people in a cross-cutting way. A way of generating debate and of also understanding this artistic discipline as a space for expression and reflection, criticism and protest.
The project includes attending open rehearsals of artists and companies programmed in the festival and specific workshops with professionals, in order to encourage the practice of dance.
Du'K'To, UNAiUNA, Sheila Ortega, Ruth Prim, Brodas Bros, Iron Skulls, El Desvío and Núria Guiu are some of the companies and artists who will offer activities as part of the educational project, which as always collaborates with EN RESiDÈNCiA. Creators in schools, opening up the creation processes of new works by SADCUM, Ancorae, Laila Tafur, Amalia Fernández and Joaquín Collado.
In all, more than 50 activities make up a programme designed for students to discover and experience dance in an active way.