Silent Legacy feat. Jr Maddripp
A duet of solos, both two great exercises of imagination and creative freedom, make up this proposal, born at the 2022 Avinyó Festival.
The first solo features a style of urban dance born in the ghettos of Los Angeles, the krump, performed by an eight-year-old girl, Adeline Kerry Cruz, who is a phenomenon in this discipline. As a second solo, a performance of contemporary dance by the dancer Audrey Merilus. These are two pieces in which Maud le Pladec continues to explore the sociology of gender and the heritage and culture of dance in collaboration with the DJ and composer Chloé Thévenin.
Maud Le Pladec trained at the National Choreographic Centre of Montpellier, has worked with various choreographers such as Georges Appaix, Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh, Loïc Touzé, Mathilde Monnier, Herman Diephuis, Mette Ingvartsen and Boris Charmatz, has created her own dance pieces and has collaborated with music groups such as Ictus, as well as taking part in the staging of various operas. Since 2017, she has been directing the National Choreographic Centre of Orléans.
Held by Mercat de les Flors in cooperation with Dansa Metropolitana.
Artistic designer and director: Maud Le Pladec - Choreography solo Adeline Kerry Cruz: Maud Le Pladec, Jr Maddripp - Choreography solo Audrey Merilus: Maud Le Pladec, Audrey Merilus - Choreography assistants: Régis Badel - Music composition, arrangements, interpretation and production: Chloé Thévenin - Vocal work: Dalila Khatir - Musical dramaturgy support: Pere Jou - Dancers: Adeline Kerry Cruz, Audrey Merilus + guest - A coproduction of the Festival d'Avignon, Parbleux, Canadian cultural centre in Montreal (Quebec); Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse and the Van Cleef & Arpels Foundation; Le Carreau Scène nationale de Forbach et de l'Est mosellan; La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand scène nationale; Scène nationale d'Orléans; Les Halles de Schaerbeek Bruxelles (Bèlgica); Fontenay en Scènes - Ville de Fontenay-sous-Bois; Le Gymnase, CDCN Roubaix - Creation residencies at the Centre chorégraphique national; Théâtre d'Orléans in collaboration with the Scène nationale d'Orléans; Parbleux, Canadian Cultural Centre in Montreal (Quebec)