30 years of success
A look back at more than 30 years of onstage experiences by the dancers Sergi Fäustino, Mercedes Recacha and Viviane Calvitti, and a look at their bodies nowadays.
Movement as a reflection of one’s personality in order to enjoy everything that a body in motion can transmit, a body that has been dancing for over 30 years. A means of seeing the body as a living archive, a container of life experiences that receives and emits from the frequency of movement. An overall view of the person who dances, considering both the current quality and capacity for movement and their personalities and careers.
We are not a company. We are Mercedes, Viviane and Sergi. All three of us have had a fairly long career. After our successes at the Odéon in Paris, the Scala in Milan, the Metropolitan in New York and the Sydney opera house, among many other temples of dance, we have got together to take a look back at the more than 30 years of our careers, and at what state our bodies are in right now.
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