Ángeles y demonios [Angels and Demons]
A dramatic and, at the same time, a joyful play performed with live musicians and a corps de ballet, in which Patricia Donn plays a young woman in a critical condition who's lost hope.
Suddenly, music and dance burst onto the scene and give her back her joy and her love of life. They’ll offer her a new incentive to live life to the full, with flamenco as the driving force behind her recovery.
The Ballet Flamenco de Patricia Donn is made up of six musicians, three dancers/bailaoras, a soloist and the lead artist. Born in Granollers, this young bailaora also studied classical ballet and contemporary and classical Spanish dance. She made her début in Barcelona at the age of 16, and before setting up her own company, she danced in the city's tablaos, as well as in Madrid, Seville and Jerez de la Frontera.
Show presentation (7 pm) and discussion with the company.
First bailaora/dancer and choreographer: Patricia Donn - Dancers / bailaoras: Lourdes Sevilla, Irene Flores, Adriana Gómez, Felipe Clivio - Idea and script: Lucho Ferruzzo - Flamenco composition and musical direction: José J. “El Viejín” - Music composed by: Vavílov, Karl Jenkins, Manolo Sanlúcar - Stage direction: Tomy Novakovic - Costume design: Juana Martín, Belén de la Quintana, J. Antonio Arroyo - Lighting design: Tito Osuna - Sound: Carlos González - Poster design: David López - Audiovisuals: Ismael Fransquier - Communication and advertising: Ángel Galán - Photography: Ciro Aragonés, Eduardo López - Stage management: Dania González - Tailor: Dolores Baides - Musicians: David Cerreduela, Israel Cerreduela (guitar), Montse Cortés, Rafita de Madrid (vocals), Batio (electric cello), Rafa Jiménez (percussion), Amador Rojas (soloist)
Planned functions