Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Ànima [Soul]


Performers and audiences will witness the creation of a spectacular 15-metre structure accompanied by live music from the Highland bagpipe.

Jordi Galí starts with breathing and the soul as the essential key to existence, to create a 15-metre structure, and positioning the performers in a circle. Building a circular space and suspended time that draws performers, spectators, passers-by, men, women and children together in a kind of collective breathing exercise. The construction will be accompanied by live music from bagpiper, composer and improviser Erwan Keravec who will be playing the Great Highland bagpipe.

Jordi Galí has worked as a dancer with Wim Vandekeybus, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Maguy Marin, among others. He began working on his own projects, and set up the Arrangement Provisoire Company in 2007. Since 2014 he has shared the role of artistic director with choreographer Vania Vaneau. Their work is centred on exploring the relationship between body and materials, gesture and object, and developed with public space in mind. As constructions that are both monumental and ephemeral, their performances open up a singular temporality in urban and natural landscapes.

Artistic sheet

Concept: Jordi Galí - Created and performed by: Lea Helmstädter, Jérémy Paon, Jeanne Vallauri, Anne-Sophie Gabert, Julia Moncla, Konrad Kaniuk, with Jordi Galí and Julien Quartier - Music composed by: Erwan Keravec - Live music: Erwan Keravec, Mickaël Cozien - Technical collaboration and construction: Julien Quartier, Katia Mozet - Images: Théo Artières - Production: Arrangement Provisoire - Co-produced by: ICI – CCN de Montpellier Occitanie (34); Mercat de les Flors; Le Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest (29); Lieux Publics – CNAREP & Pôle européen de production Marseille (13); Pronomade(s) en Haute Garonne – CNAREP (31); CCN2 Grenoble (38); L’Atelline – Lieu d’activation art & espace public (34); Les Tombées de la nuit (35); La Coloc’ de la culture (63); Le Pacifique – CDCN Grenoble (38); Art’R lieu de fabrique itinérant pour les arts de la rue (75); La Maison des Métallos (75); Le Fourneau – CNAREP Brest - National grants awarded for creative street arts by: DGCA (Directorate-General for Artistic Creation in France) - Support: De Facto, atelier de fabrication (69), La Transverse (58), KompleX KapharnaüM (69), On-going Les Tombées de la nuit (35), Le Fourneau – CNAREP Brest (29), Le Quartz (29), Animakt (91), Théâtre Molière – Scène nationale de Sète (34), CCN2 Grenoble (38), Groupe des 20 de la Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Mécènes du Sud, Hellerau Dresde (Germany), Festival de Chassepierre (Belgium)

Planned functions


Plaça Margarida Xirgu
18/03/2023 12:00



Plaça Margarida Xirgu
19/03/2023 12:00
