Bombolles de paper
Dance, music and multimedia interaction are combined in a visual and plastic proposal that plays with the imagination of young and adult audiences and transports them to a space full of possibilities. It is a journey through a fantastic world full of all kinds of bubbles. A magical and dynamic show from which children and adults will not be able to look away and in which they will end up actively participating.
Múcab Dans is a contemporary dance company that creates shows combining the scenic and visual arts to find its own language based on movement. They work with new technologies in search of a new scenic dimension and an innovative way of explaining things.
Autoría: Companyia Múcab Dans - Dirección escénica: David Pintó - Coreografía/ interpretación: Irina Martínez - Producción /música: Joan Laporta - Programación interactiva: Marco Domenichetti, Joan Laporta - Programación: Marta Verde - Diseño de la iluminación: Bernat Llunell - Vestuario: Elisa Echegaray - Escenografía: Santi Cabús - Con el apoyo del Centre Cultural de Vilanova del Vallès y Cultura en Viu (UAB).
Planned functions