Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Breaking Beeethoveen Street


Fusing the classical music of Beethoven with breakdance and contemporary dance, Breaking Beethoven Street presents an allegory of the world we live in, where analogue and digital universes, the natural and the artificial, come together and the line between one and the other often becomes blurred. It’s the human being against the machine. 
Yügen is a company made up of five dancers, all of them trained in contemporary dance. They're specialists in different styles of urban dance (popping, locking, hip hop and breaking) and have won both national and international championships. The combination of backgrounds, of both professional and artistic experiences, gives rise to shows as striking as the one now being staged at Dansa Metropolitana

Artèries Transmission:
Júlia Romero, Àlvar Marcos and David Castejón (Soul Headquarters) presents us a choreography created, performed and danced in collaboration with students  of the school.

Artistic sheet

Breaking Beethoven Street:
Dramaturgy and choreography: YÜGEN-  Performed by: Jaki López, Emil Ochoa, Bárbara Arrieta, Sara Luquero - Music production and OST: Israel Monzoncillo -  Technical and artistic coordination: Txarly Marqués - Production: IZAR BLUE PRODUCCIONES - Distribution: Txirene Producciones-Rosa Iglesias

Artèries Transmission:
Júlia Romero, Àlvar Marcos and David Castejón with Ivan Obiang, Andrea Abascal, Marta Moreno, Pau Tudela, Paula San Narciso, Jessica González and Xavi Bernal

Planned functions


Plaça Argub (Parc Catalunya)
17/03/2024 17:30
