Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Breaking Beethoven Street / A Rienda Suelta


Breaking Beethoven Street:
Fusing the classical music of Beethoven with breakdance and contemporary dance, Breaking Beethoven Street presents an allegory of the world we live in, where analogue and digital universes, the natural and the artificial, come together and the line between one and the other often becomes blurred. It’s the human being against the machine. Yügen is a company made up of five dancers, all of them trained in contemporary dance. They're specialists in different styles of urban dance (popping, locking, hip hop and breaking).

A Rienda Suelta:
A Rienda Suelta is to let oneself go without putting up resistance; it is to let one's imagination fly through play and memory, and to enjoy it collectively. They are three friends who have fun with each other and with the audience, expressing themselves through acrobatic language, dance and humour. Du'K'tO is a Catalan-Balearic company dedicated to the creation and production of circus and contemporary dance performances. Since 2015, the group has been developing a stage language based on acrobatic movement and its fusion with dance, which has led to the shows In-Confort (2017), Cafuné (2018), Lume (2021) and now A Rienda Suelta (2023).

Artistic sheet

Breaking Beethoven Street:
Original idea: Iker Nuño - Artistic director: María Martín, Judit Ruiz Onandi - Dramaturgy and choreographic creation: María Martín, Judit Ruiz Onandi - Choreographic creation: Maialen Mariezkurrena, Jaki López, Mikel Sánchez, Emil Ochoa, Krash Andrade - Performed by: Jaki López, Emil Ochoa, Bárbara Arrieta, Sara Luquero, Malaka - Music production and score: Israel Monzoncillo - Visuals: Koldo Belloso - Wardrobe: Celia Egaña - Technical and artistic coordination: Txarly Marqués - Production: IZAR BLUE PRODUCCIONES - Distribution: Txirene Producciones-Rosa Iglesias

A Rienda Suelta:
Original idea and production: Du’K’tO Company - Artistic director: Lucio A. Baglivo - Choreographic outside perspective: Laia Santanach - Music composed by: Pol Jubany - Performers: Adrián Pérez, Bàrbara Vidal and Bernat Messeguer - Audiovisual material: Raúl Cavero Garrido - Collaborators: Cronopis Espai de Circ a Mataró (Catalonia), Centre d’Investigació Escènica (Balearic Islands), Teatre Principal (Balearic Islands), Fira de Circ al Carrer (Catalonia), Societat Cultural Sant Jaume (Catalonia) and Aula de Teatre (Catalonia) - With the support of: Cultural Initiative Support Office (OSIC) and the Institute of Balearic Studies (Balearic Islands) - Recognition: Premià de Mar's Friendship Space Award for Artistic Creation and the Lola Casademont Audience Award at the Fira de Circ al Carrer

Planned functions


Parc Pou d’en Fèlix
17/03/2024 12:00
