Due to the weather forecast, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.



Copying has always had a bad reputation, but as social beings, we copy from the moment we are born until the end of our lives. Copiar is a playful, emotional, and eclectic performance where a group of 8-to-10-year-old children take centre stage. With Animal Religion, they explore copying as a creative tool, navigating between movement, light, and music with no guide other than this essential act.

Animal Religion is a contemporary circus company that embraces interdisciplinarity and the exploration of new stage languages. With more than ten years of experience, they have created nine shows in various formats and collaborated with over 30 artists from around the world. They have worked with institutions such as the TNC, Fira Tàrrega, Mercat de les Flors, and L’Auditori de Barcelona, receiving prestigious honours, including the 2016 Special City of Barcelona Award for Sifonòfor.


Artistic sheet

Creation, direction and stage design: Animal Religion – Performers: Quim Girón (circus), Jou Serra (lighting) and Joan Cot Ros (music and dramaturgy) – Stage design and support: Mariona Signes - Offstage voice: Martí Sales - Tour management: Imaginart - Co-produced by: Mercat de les Flors and laSala Centre de Creació d’Arts per a les Famílies (Sabadell) – In collaboration with: Espacio Abierto Quinta de los Molinos - Madrid, CCCB (Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture) and Can Gassol Centre d’Arts Escèniques - Mataró – With the support of: ICEC - Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia – Acknowledgements: Escola Marta Mata (Mataró), Escola Rocafonda (Mataró), Escola Angeleta Ferrer (Mataró), Escola Les Escomes (Sant Jaume de Llierca), Escola Sant Julià (Sabadell), Escola Can Deu (Sabadell), CEIP San Benito (Madrid), and all the class groups and families who have supported us throughout this creative process. We also want to thank Irene Vicente, Moon Ribas, Núria Cuyàs, Laia Gonzalez, Lluís Giron, Àngels Figuerola, and Sergio Roca for their support and help during the creative process.

Planned functions

Sant Cugat

Teatre-Auditori Sant Cugat
30/03/2025 18:00