Movement and physical theatre lead us through the story of three characters who talk about the limits imposed on us with a good dose of humour, and above all about the limits we impose on ourselves.
esberlar uses movement and physical theatre to lead the audience through images of instability, collapse and reconstruction. Three characters talk in a humorous way about the limits imposed on us, but above all those we impose on ourselves. A physical and gestural journey, guided by the emotions generated when things break down.
L’atapeïda works on the boundaries of movement and physical theatre. Focused on creating street pieces for all audiences, is under the artistic gaze of Elena Lalucat.
Written by: Elena Lalucat, David Maqueda, Pino Steiner and Alma Steiner - Directed by: David Maqueda - Composer/Musical director: Mon Joan Tiquat - Performed by: Pino Steiner, Alma Steiner and Elena Lalucat - Set design: Francesc Serra Vila - Audiovisuals: Marc Costa - - Graphic design: Marina Bordoy - Wardrobe: Aina Crespí - Photography: Luca Rocchi / Nuovatecnica - Artistic collaboration: Sandra Monfort, Clara Fiol and Bob Gonzales - Co-produced by: Danseu Festival, Eima Creació and Fes Plus Chapeau
Planned functions