Creator: Alfonso Losa - Performers: Alfonso Losa (dancer), Sandra Carrasco (singer) and Juan Campallo (guitar) - Photography: Beatrix Mexi Molnar - Production/Support: BLEU PROD
Exento [Exempt]
70 minutes
General public: €15 / Free for El Dorado members
A singular performance, a laboratory that Losa shares with the audience to fuel his own creative processes.
Alfonso Losa is considered one of the most authentic representatives of the Madrid school of flamenco dance today, and a bridge between those who taught him and the new generations. He has been able to craft a language of his own, expressing the most distinctive characteristics of traditional dance, harmonising austerity, verticality and elegance at a dizzying speed and with prodigious control of his body. He is at the same time both the most classical of contemporary dancers, and the most contemporary of classical dancers.
Tickets will go on sale 45 minutes before the concert at the door of Sala Sandaru.
Data sheet
Planned functions