Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.


Change of location


H is a waltz in two, a character and his essential element, the balancier who gives him life. It is a dance of forces that reveals to us the weaknesses and needs of its protagonists in order to exist; the yearnings and internal struggles that define their lives; the rem, the struggle, a struggle and the inevitable fractures. At times, it is a thin layer and at other times, a weight clutched in the unconditional arms of a mother. Two voices out loud, silent of words.
La Corcoles is the universe created by the artist Mariona Moya, who specialises in balancing on a tightrope. Circus, dance and street theatre are their means of expression. With a very personal style, La Corcoles stands out for their way of understanding balancing, investigating movement on cable and discipline from dance.

WARNING: The show of La Corcoles has been rescheduled to March 17, at 5 pm at pl. Matagalpa (Parc Catalunya; next to skate park premises).

Artistic sheet

Creation/original idea: La Corcoles - Mariona Moya - Performers: Mariona Moya - Funambulism artistic and technical support: Olivier Roustan - Production: La Corcoles - Production advice: Jordi Colominas - Wardrobe: La Corcoles - Mariona Moya - Structure and sound installation technician: Isaac Lucas - Musical arrangements: Zinkman - Images: Txus Garcia and Yan Visuals - Video: VIP Visuals - Special thanks to: Estampades company La Coupole, EL CANAL Centre d'Arts Escèniques de Salt, Ajuntament de Salt, Ca l'Estruch Sabadell, Col.lectiu de Circ de Girona CPCG, Roger Compte, Cia.Vöel and Bullzini Family

Planned functions


Parc Catalunya
17/03/2024 17:00
