Elderly people dance happily, dressed in waistcoats and suspenders, with large masks of wrinkled, good-natured faces, which , contrast with the surprising agility of their bodies. Why do we feel like puppets in our lives?
IMA focuses attention on the present moment, with a magnetic dance that is a tribute to life. IMA is a Japanese term that refers to the "present time"; in Hebrew and Aramaic it also means "mother", and refers to the concept of rebirth and renewal.
Komoco is based in Italy and is the result of the collaboration between two sisters who shared a passion for art: Sofia Nappi, choreographer and performer, and Alice Nappi, violinist and composer. Currently, the company that is directed by Sofia, along with Paolo Piancastelli and Adriano Popolo Rubbio, plays a major role in the international contemporary dance scene.
The company offers an after-show discussion.
Artistic director and choreographer: Sofia Nappi - Performers: Komoco Company, Arthur Bouilliol, Leonardo de Santis, Glenda Gheller, India Guanzini, Paolo Piancastelli - Assistant choreographer: Adriano Popolo Rubbio - Lighting design: Alessandro Caso - Wardrobe design: Luigi Formicola - Costume design: Silvia Salvaggio, Elisa Varvarito, in collaboration with Manifatture Digitali Cinema Prato de la Fondazione Sistema Toscana Production: Sosta Palmizi, Komoco & Sofia Nappi - Co-produced by: La Biennale di Venezia, Colours International Dance Festival, Centro Coreográfico Canal / Residencies: Orsolina 28, Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Fondazione Armunia Castiglioncello - CapoTrave, Kilowatt Sansepolcro), Opus Ballet Firenze and the Italian Cultural Institute of Madrid - Tour management: Ecotopia Dance Productions, Winning project of Bando Abitante, Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni and Fondazione CR Firenze - Special thanks to: PARC Performance Arts Research Centre in Florence - In collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona.
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