Written and directed by: Anton Lachky - Text: Eléonore Valère-Lachky - Performed by: Evelyne de Weert, Dunya Narli, Nino Patuano and Lewis Cooke - Singer: Gonzalo Cunill - Production/Accompaniment: Anton Lachky Company - Co-produced by: Mars/Mons Arts de la Scène, Charleroi Danse/Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Centre Culturel de Verviers, Pierre de Lune Centre Scénique Jeunes Publics de Bruxelles, Le Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon - Supported by: La Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles et de la Loterie National/FWB, Le Marni, Le Centre Culturel Jacques Franck, La Roseraie, le CCBW, La Balsamine, Charleroi Danse
Les Autres
55 minutes
Recommended age 6 and over
A show full of precision, fervour and passion, in which the dancers commit the most rebellious of all acts: allowing themselves to be fascinated by life.
World Theatre Week Promotion: 20% discount on ticket purchases
Four individuals live in a strangely isolated world. A hell made of plastic, completely devoid of other human beings. Will the inhabitants be able to free themselves of this monotonous, bleak existence? Will they want to? To control their fate and stave off boredom, they dance. A show full of precision, fervour and passion, in which the dancers commit the most rebellious of all acts: allowing themselves be fascinated by life.
Anton Lachky, born in Slovakia, moved to Belgium to study dance at Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s school. His original creations, which he has taken on tour around Europe and the United States, have been highly acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. In 2012, he founded his own company and they have produced six works including Cartoon, his first show for young people, awarded the Alda Gréoli Culture Ministry Prize, and Les Autres, his second show for young people.
The company will be holding a discussion following the performance on Saturday 25 March.