Mujer en cinta de correr sobre fondo negro [Woman on a treadmill against a black background]

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The winner of the best new show at the 2022 Max Awards offers an in-depth portrait of the working-class citizen through humour, language and movement.

This performative show offers an in-depth portrait of the working-class citizen through a woman’s reflections on textile overproduction, capitalism, entertainment, culture, languages, nicknames and the services sector. But above all, it tells a thoughtful story full of laughter, where language itself dances. The mouth makes choreographies and always repeats them. An exposed body, an energy about to explode, a space traversed.

Alessandra García, born in Málaga, opened a company and closed it after ten years in order to enter the world of performance art and become a teacher. Her work falls under the category of post-dramatic and participatory theatre. She identifies more with contemporary art than with theatre.
She has created works and participated in pieces such as Aquella Postura, Vulva and Patrimonio, and has gone on tour with No se registran conversaciones de interés. She is the director of the Live Scene Festival Autóctonxs at the Teatro del Soho in Málaga. She has won the 2022 Max Award for best new show, the 2022 Critical Eye Award in theatre and the Ateneo Award in theatre for best actress.
Morning workshop for students.

Artistic sheet

Author, director and performer: Alessandra García - Assistant director: Violeta Niebla - Written by: Ramón Gázquez - Movement assistant: María del Mar Suárez - Set design: Beatriz Ros - Sound arrangement: Bass Seismic - Audiovisual: Cruda FilmsWardrobe: Dela-Delos - Visual identity: Tiquismiquis Club - Lighting design: Azael Ferrer / Francisco Burgos. Adaptation to the Antic Teatre: Sergio Roca - Production/Accompaniment: Muntsa Roca

Planned functions


Antic Teatre
16/03/2023 20:00
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Antic Teatre
17/03/2023 20:00
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Antic Teatre
18/03/2023 20:00
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Antic Teatre
19/03/2023 20:00
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