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Companyia Arrangement Provisoire / Jordi Galí


Body, matter, time, space and relationships are the key concepts of this human installation: one hundred and twenty body structures in which the interpreters are both builders and materials. Ephemeral architectures that emerge from a precise mathematical protocol based on random and symmetrical operations, and which are the result of the traction and compression efforts of the participating bodies. A coral balance.

Jordi Galí studied contemporary dance at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. As a dancer, he has worked with Emilio Gutiérrez, Wim Vandekeybus, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Lies Pawels and Maguy Marin, among others, before developing his own work. In 2007, he founded the company Arrangement Provisoire, co-directed with Vania Vaneau, and which investigates the transformation of public space through the movement.

Planned functions


Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
23 March at 16:00 h
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
24 March at 12:00 h