Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

OTEMPODIZ / Los Perros


Otempodiz is the result of an exchange and creation project between Euskadi and Mozambique, which shows the power of dance for experiencing time in an absolute present, and two performers transform their bodies through dance, emulating the movements of dogs and showing the animal's capacity for resistance to any adversity.


Author, director and photographer: Asier Zabaleta - Performers: Fenias Nhumaio and Deissane Machava - Production/Support: ERTZA SORKUNTZA ARTISTIKOA S.L - Support: Spanish Embassy in Mozambique – Cooperación Española (AECID), Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea (Regional Government of Guipúzcoa), ATLANTIKALDIA Festival

In the West, time is measured, bought, sold, planned and organised... but there is almost never enough of it. By contrast, in Africa time is experienced, it is something you have, something you do, an asset that is almost never lacking. Otempodiz is the result of an exchange and creation project between Euskadi and Mozambique, which shows the power of dance for experiencing time in an absolute present.

ERTZA was created in 2004, directed by the dancer and choreographer Asier Zabaleta, with the aim of opening up a new space for choreographic creation, without ties or conventionalisms, creating projects in collaboration with artists from other disciplines. Their productions pose questions about human and social contradictions, inviting the audience to reflect on current themes. ERTZA has presented its productions in the following countries: China, the Philippines, Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Israel, Russia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Mozambique, Portugal and Spain.

"Los Perros", Led Silhouette + Marcos Morau

Authorship and production: Led Silhouette - Directed by: Marcos Morau - Author/Musical director: Juan Cristóbal Saavedra - Choreographer: Marcos Morau, in collaboration with the performers - Performers: Jon Lopez and Martxel Rodríguez - Assistant director and audiovisual: Marina Rodríguez - Scenographer: David Pascual - Costume design: Iñaki Cobos - Lighting design: Andoni Mendizabal - Technical team: Andoni Mendizabal and Iñaki Iriarte - Photographer: Irantzu Pastor - Artistic collaboration: Verde Prato - Distribution: Monicadegira, Mònica Garcia Gené - Support: Programa DNA from the Government of Navarre's Department of Culture and INNOVA Cultural from Fundación Caja Navarra - Fundación "La Caixa"

Two performers use their bodies like walking, ownerless dogs. They transform in a dance, sharing joy, but also pain, falling down and getting up again, rebelling through love, generosity and commitment. A piece full of symbolism that aims to reach a state of resistance, where we see how the duo overcome violence and deterioration together.

Martxel Rodríguez and Jon López direct Led Silhouette, a creative group of artists trained in various dance disciplines and influenced by contemporary art, in parallel with their activities in the La Veronal company. Their productions have been performed at festivals and circuits such as Madrid en Danza, Temporada Alta, Escena Patrimonio, Festival Quincena de Dança Almada in Portugal, Festival Internazional Nuova Danza in Italy, Platea, Danza Escena and Programa.cat.

Planned functions

Santa Coloma

Molí d’en Ribé
19/03/2023 12:00