Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Pan y Rosas / Double Skin


Contemporary dance and flamenco take place in the space in a triple program with two companies made up entirely of women and a special performance by students from the city's dance schools Laura Esteve and La Tacones with choreography by Toni Mira.

"Pan y Rosas" by Tina Martí

Written by: Tina Martí, Katy Fernández, Ámbaar Murgia, Esther Calderón, Paloma Ramos and Aina Lanas - Directed by: Tina Martí - Composer / Musical director: Cristina López - Performed by: Ámbaar Murgia, Esther Calderón, Paloma Ramos (Aina Lanas) and Tina Martí - Assistant directors: Katy Fernández and Aina Lanas - Audiovisuals: Claudia Herrán - Wardrobe: Ámbaar Murgia and Luisina Sánchez - Photography: Claudia Herrán and Olga Segura

As Rose Schneiderman said: “We want the right to live, not just exist. We must have bread, but also roses. What we ask is that they not look at us, but that they see us”. Pan y rosas fuses flamenco, contemporary dance and urban dances in a piece about the right to live, not simply to exist. A show inspired by the words of the American union feminist Rose Schneiderman.

Pan y Rosas is performed by Ámbaar Murgia, Esther Calderón, Paloma Ramos (Aina Lanas) and Tina Martí, who seek to create harmony between urban, contemporary and flamenco dance with Cristina López music. Under the supervision of Tina Martí, together with the bailaora Katy Fernández and Aina Lanas, Pan y Rosas is the first project from this union of artists who strive to communicate a single message, using various languages.

Escola de dansa Laura Esteve and Escola La Tacones with Toni Mira

Composer: Toni Mira

Choreographer Toni Mira presents us with a small choreographic action, specially designed for this space, performed by students from the Laura Esteve Dance School and La Tacones School in Sant Cugat.

"Double Skin", La rebelión de las aburridas -Raquel Klein and Raquel Gualtero

Authorship, direction and interpretation: Raquel Klein and Raquel Gualtero - Authorship / musical direction: Adrià Juan and Albert Tarrats - Special thanks: El Graner, Barcelona

Guided tour by the students of the Basics for the Theory of Architecture, from the Escola Técnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC), coordinated by professors Toni Ramon and Núria Moliner.

Dancers and choreographers Raquel Klein and Raquel Gualtero unite their most intimate universes in Double Skin, a piece that confronts the critical and fragile aspects of creation through the body. A unique work, which is projected onto the landscape possibilities outside the university housing of the Sant Cugat School of Architecture, with the aim of activating different points of view and ways of looking at dance.

Raquel Klein and Raquel Gualtero have been collaborating since 2019 in the experimental research of choreographic languages under the name La rebelión de las aburridas. Through dance, they explore different concepts such as intuition, movement or insistence, generating transformations and questions with their own practice. These reflections between dance and space lead them to look for the powers in the places and landscapes where they perform. His creations are characterized by insisting on the exhaustion of bodies, the scene and the spaces.

Planned functions

Sant Cugat

Residència d'estudiants Unihabit - ETSAV
18/03/2023 12:00
