Dance and acrobatics come together exquisitely in Parts, a series of four solos and duets in which dreams come true.
Parts places humanity centre stage in a compilation of four unassuming yet powerful pieces. Beautiful me, Digilegs, Flag and Water make up a repertoire of dance and aerial acrobatics pieces that take place in our dark times, reflecting an unease shaken by the dream and vision of Wang Ramirez’s world. A show about human fragility, destitute and gaunt, throwing all it has left into dance in order to repair and purify itself.
Directed by the internationally renowned choreographers Honji Wang and Sébastien Ramirez, Wang Ramirez Company produces dance and theatre pieces that bring together genres as diverse as hip-hop, ballet, contemporary dance and martial arts. The company’s unique choreographic language has won it numerous awards, including two recognitions from the New York Bessie Award and a special first prize from the audience in the International Choreographic Competition Hannover for contemporary dance. They’ve produced over nine critically acclaimed works, including Monchichi, Borderline, Everyness, N°1 and W.A.M., which have been performed in several cities around Europe, Asia and America. Two new creations are born in 2021: PARTS, a quadriptych which takes place in the the chiaroscuro of our time, and YOUME (choreographed by Honji Wang) a trio encounter between flamenco, hip-hop and cello for all and young audiences.
Written and directed by: Wang Ramirez - Performed by: Mathilde Lin, Sebastien Ramirez and Simon Nyiringabo - Lighting design: Willy Cessa - Composer/Musical director: Clément Aubry - Sound technician: Marc Arrigoni - Additional musics: Marea Negra by Bachar Mar Kalife; Miserere by Enio Moricone; On the nature of daylight, Sleep., Dream1, Cumulonimbus by Max Richter; Cantique de Jean Racine by Gabriel Fauré; chiar daca dau de necaz by Bratsch, The little match girl passion by David Lang. - Set design: Wang Ramirez wtih the collaboration of Constance Guisset - Sound manager: Marc Arrigoni - Rigging: Lukas Hamalgyi and Simon Nyiringabo - Wardrobe: Annamaria Di Mambro - Production/Accompaniment: Clash 66 - Co-produced by: Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Torinodanza Festival, Teatro Stabile di Torino, Teatro Nazionale CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne and Compagnie Käfig - Supports: Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Occitanie | Conseil régional Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée | Conseil départemental des Pyrénées Orientales