Different creators present proposals based on the investigation of memory and they give a first-hand account in this round table of their creative processes, their starting points and their discoveries.
Moderator Jordi Fosas, director of the Fira Mediterrània in Manresa
Different creators present proposals based on the investigation of memory; looking for the prints, roots, approaching shared imaginaries, the common accounts of several generations, through the rediscovery and/or revision of tradition, from an updated point of view, and with the techniques and gaze of contemporary dance.
In this context, we present a round table with them, in which they give us a first-hand account of their creative processes, their starting points and their discoveries.
Taking part are Luz Arcas (Lapharmaco), Lara Brown, Laia Santanach, Andrea Jimenez (Ancorae), Toni Jodar and Beatriu Daniel (Explica Dansa), moderated by Jordi Fosas, Director of the Fira Mediterrània in Manresa.
At the end of the talk, there will be a small, danced intervention of Pol Jiménez Lo Faunal.
Activity with previous registration limited to 50 people: activitats.dansametropolitana@gmail.com
SOLD OUT. The round table will be available on streaming.
Planned functions