SCHOOL EXHIBITION: Isi-si + Pop Corn, please
Two short street dance pieces about the feeling of taking a leap in the dark and how dizzy we feel when we have to take a decision.
These two short street dance pieces speak of the feeling of taking a leap in the dark that we all have when taking a decision. That moment, that blank space that could be filled with a yes or a no and which marks out the path before you. These two pieces are the result of the work arising from two six-monthly workshops of the adult groups of the Associació Dansa Contemporània de Sabadell.
L’Associació de dansa Contemporània emerged 16 years ago when a group of male and female dancers who felt like teaching contemporary dance in Sabadell created the association to bring it closer to the people, making it more familiar and well known by everyone through workshops, displays and stages.
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