Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.



You're looking, but what do you really see? Can you perceive what you overlook and notice what is hidden at first sight? Scotoma is a dance piece premièred at the Festival Danseu in 2021 that talks about this, about attention, and that makes us reflect on what we see and what we perceive. The piece invites us to observe the coming together of two people immersed in their own world and who give each other the opportunity to discover other perspectives.
Clémentine Telesford & Lisard Tranis are two dance artists based in Barcelona, who have worked in different companies such as Guy Nader and Maria Campos and Lali Ayguadé, among others. Over the years, they have developed a common language that has led them to embark on their own path as collaborative choreographers. Since 2019 they have been carrying out artistic research and jointly creating stage pieces focused on movement and corporal expression as a means of communication, in which they explore attention as a dramaturgical instrument.

Barcelona Districte Cultural. Free admission, booking required.

Artistic sheet

Director and performer: Clémentine Télesfort & Lisard Tranis - Original music: Otis Jones - External vision: Hansel Nezza - Set design: Diego Sinniger

Planned functions


Centre Cívic Can Clariana
01/03/2024 19:00
