Too Much:
Conception: Elelei - Directed by: Rafa Jagat, Sabrina Gargano- Choreography: Elelei amb la col.laboració de Joel Pradas i Loredana Gargano- Performed by: Sabrina Gargano, Loredana Gargano, Joel Pradas -Dramaturgy: Elelei- Dramaturgy assistant: Albert Pérez- Production and distribution assistance: Fani Benages - Music: Max Hering - Costumes: Elelei - Communication: Sabrina Gargano -Co-produced by Dansa Metropolitana - Artistic stages: Centre Cívic Barceloneta and Teatre Sagarra
Artistic director and choreographer: Souhail Marchiche and Mehdi Meghari - Performers: Karym Zoubert, Silvia Addiego Mobilio, Nino Rouvreau, Alizée Brule, Mohamed Makhlouf, Beatrice Mognol, Emilie Tarpin-Lyonnet - Sound design: Patrick De Oliveira - Lighting design: Richard Gratas - Set design: Bertrand Nodet - Technicians: Rémi Selles, Emilie Tarpin-Lyonnet, Sylvain Gras