Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.



Two performers of traditional Basque dance and two of urban dances create a lively, energetic show in which the urban space is transformed into a performance space with the help of the audience.

Four young people meet in a square. It could be any square in any city. Music plays and they all start dancing. It’s an everyday thing for them. It is their way of expressing themselves. Dancing makes them what they are. Topa proposes the union of four performers, who while preserving their artistic origins join together in a lively energetic formation and enrich their performance by getting to know their companions. Contemporary street expressions, which today are part of the life in city squares. Together they have created Topa, a street dance piece in which the urban space is transformed into a performance space with the help of the audience.

Kukai Dantza develop their work based on traditional Basque dance and create shows in collaboration with prestigious choreographers. On this occasion the fusion is with Brodas Bros, an urban dance company well known in Barcelona and made up of two pairs of brothers and sisters, Pol and Lluc Fruitós and Berta and Clara Pons, the nucleus of the company and the driving force behind all their projects.

Planned functions


20/03/2021 17:00