‘TRA TRA TRA Tradició Transmissió Traïció’
TRA TRA TRA Tradició Transmissió Traïció [Tradition, Transmission, Treachery] completes the trilogy of danced lectures from Explica Dansa to trace a path through the history and evolution of contemporary dance. On this occasion the focus is on traditional dance. A contemporary vision of tradition.
ExplicaDansa is a project aimed at creating and educating audiences, co-directed by Beatriu Daniel and Toni Jodar. It offers key reading tools to make the knowledge of contemporary languages more accessible, as well as inviting reflection and discussion about dance.
Written by: Explica Dansa - Performed by: Toni Jodar - Choreographic support: Montse Colomé - Written by: Bàrbara Raubert and Helena Tornero - Audiovisuals: Tristán Pérez-Martín and Bàrbara Raubert - Lighting: Irene Ferrer and Francisco Ortega - Executive producer: Beatriu Daniel - Co-produced by: Mercat de les Flors, Fira Mediterrània de Manresa and ES DANSA
Planned functions