Due to the weather forecast, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Una bellissima giornata


Una bellissima giornata is a two-way journey in the real-life relationship between a father and a daughter who are sharing the stage, a tragicomic game between life and theatre that questions how a family relationship can change over time, and a performance that addresses the themes of heredity, memory and love, exploring the imperfections in the relationship between Alma and Piero Steiner. It also examines connections and clashes between two generations, between dance and theatre, between the dancer and the actor, and the potential for mutual understanding and learning.

Kernel Dance Theatre is a performing arts company made up of Junyi Sun, Alma Steiner and Marina Miguel that develops a language combining contemporary dance, martial arts, and theatre, creating performances with an anti-racist, feminist and intersectional perspective. The company collaborates with over twenty performing arts professionals, including Roberto Fratini, Piero Steiner, elclimamola and Sol Picó. Its shows include Give me proteinAm I Bruce Lee and LÓNG.


The company will be holding a talk following the performance on 28 March.


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Artistic sheet

Creator and director: Kernel Dance Theatre – Music written and directed by: Neus Ballbé – Performers: Alma Steiner and Piero Steiner – Outside perspective: Junyi Sun – Stage design, costumes and lighting design: Mariona Signes – Photography: Maria Alzamora – Artistic collaboration: Laura Riera, Roberto Fratini and Sergi Armentano – Production assistant: Uxia Dios – Production/Support: Kernel Dance Theatre (Marina Miguel and Junyi Sun) – Co-produced by: Dansa Metropolitana – Acknowledgements: Can Felipa Civic Centre, Rhum&Cia and Lluís Benavides (El Ecualizador) – With the support of: SAT! Theatre (Aliansat), Escena Poblenou Festival, Sant Martí Auditorium, and the Government of Catalonia (Ministry of Culture) – Residencies: L’Estruch, Fabra i Coats, Nau Ivanow and La Piconera