The Very Last Northern White Rhino
When New York Times journalist Sam Anderson learned of the death of the last male northern white rhinoceros, he flew to Kenya to observe and meticulously document the daily lives of the last two living members of this species. The indifference of these individuals to their species’ fate brought the reporter a sense of peace at a time of global uncertainty.
This is the starting point for The Very Last Northern White Rhino, a piece that journeys from darkness to light, celebrating life through dance amidst the chaos of the world. Dance until exhaustion, dance until the end, because perhaps that’s all we can do.
In The Very Last Northern White Rhino, he teams up with Oulouy, a dancer and teacher who participated on the circuit with the show Black.
Born in Buenos Aires, Gaston Core is a stage director, playwright, cultural manager, dancer, and actor. He has lived in Europe since 2001 and in 2012 launched the Sala Hiroshima project in Barcelona, which he ran until it closed in 2021.
He has also managed the Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Terrassa and has participated as a curator in several projects. As a choreographer, he directed Díptic del desert, which consists of the solo piece The Very Last Northern White Rhino and the group piece Chorus.
Performance coordinated by Escena BDC.