Workshop: "Moure els sentits”


A workshop where children capture, process and play with various stimuli, through games relating to sound and dance. We move our body, understanding it as sensitive matter that is able to transform itself. We shift from listening to action, from moving to being moved, from solo to group, paying attention to various ways of perceiving our environment and body through our senses.

Amaranta Velarde is a dancer, choreographer and teacher. She graduated from CODARTS (Rotterdam Dance University) in 2004. Since then, she has worked closely with choreographer Bruno Listopad, among other creators. In 2011, she moved to Barcelona where she undertakes her own choreographic pieces: El natural, Cap a una estètica de la bona voluntat [Towards the aesthetics of goodwill], Mix-en-scene, Aparicions sonores [Sound appearances] and Desbordis.

Enrolment on the Mercat de les Flors website

Planned functions


Mercat de les Flors - Sala PB
18/03/2023 10:00