Due to the weather forecast, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.



Dance performances that will thrill audiences at the 8th edition of Dansa Metropolitana


From 13 to 30 March, Dansa Metropolitana 2025 will be bringing vitality and movement to 12 cities in the Barcelona metropolitan area. With a wide-ranging, diverse programme, the festival will once again bring together outstanding local and international artists to offer unique experiences.

Throughout March, dance will take over theatres and public spaces in Badalona, Barcelona, Cornellà, El Prat, Esplugues, Granollers, L’Hospitalet, Sant Cugat, Sabadell, Santa Coloma, Terrassa, and Viladecans.

This year, the festival is focusing on the intimate connection between sound and movement, and will explore how vibration creates unique dialogues between body and music with the Vibracions project, an initiative that will connect choreography professionals from Catalonia with local schools and the general public. In the coming days, we will provide detailed information about the Vibracions project as well as details about the festival’s closing celebration!


The festival will kick off on Friday, 14 March at 7.30 pm, at Plaça Catalunya in Cornellà de Llobregat. The opening performance will be a large-scale piece featuring aerial dance, presented by Sylphes Aerial Ballet, along with a warm-up act consisting of short pieces from local dance schools in Cornellà, hosted by Pere Faura as the master of ceremonies.

With the festival now in full swing, free performances will start popping up in streets, squares, and unconventional spaces throughout the participating cities. Highlights of this 2025 edition include the two ambulatory performances: CARRER 024 [STREET 024], by Sol Picó, and PLATA [SILVER], by the Col·lectiu Big Bouncers. Other free performances in different cities include Zitzània [Darnel], by Lali Ayguadé and Ramón Graell (co-produced by the festival); AM I WHAT?, by Elvi Balboa; JARANA [WILD], by the Laia Santanach Company, and El Baile de la Zurda [The Dance of the Left-Handed Woman], by LaCerda.

With single shows, double bills, and triple bills, there’s plenty to see, from the poetic reflection of Sfumato (assajant per la caiguda dels contorns) [Sfuamto (rehearsing for the fall of contours)] by Llum de Fideu, to Un attimo, a performance art piece at Universitat metro station by Paloma Muñoz – Siberia Danza in collaboration with the TMB Foundation. Colectivo Sin Par’s tribute to the sevillana folk dance in MÍRALA CARA A CARA [LOOK HER IN THE FACE] and Elelei’s exploration of human relationships in Too much are among the Dansa Metropolitana 2025 shows that are open and free of charge.


The festival is also participating in various co-productions that will be performed in theatres: Inaudit [Unheard Of], by Adrián Vega & Adriano Galante; Altars Profans [Profane Altars], by Magdalena Garzón; Una bellissima giornata, by Kernel Dance Theatre; Coplas i Haikus de mares i amors [Coplas and Haikus on Mothers and Loves], by Mònica Muntaner and Rosa Muñoz; You are not a ghost, by WAN; MONUMENT, by Àngel Duran; GLÒRIA: An Easy and Funny Work, by La Quebrá, and Folk as Queer, by LEsbord.

In addition, international productions such as those by Malandain Ballet Biarritz (Mosaïque); Vera Mantero, Henrique Furtado Vieira and João Bento (__chãocéu|); the Taiwanese group B.DANCE (Before We Say Goodbye); Trajal Harrel and the Zürich Dance Ensemble (The Köln Concert); S-E-D (Into the Hairy); Zoo / Thomas Hauert (Troglodyte. Zaungast/Zaunkönig); Danish choreographer Mette Ingvartsen (Skatepark), and Le Ballet de lOpéra national du Capitole (Sémiramis / Don Juan), which will mark the beginning of Dansa Metropolitana at the Gran Teatre del Liceu venue, will also feature in this exquisite selection of shows from around the world that will enrich the culture of the festival.

And you can’t miss the performances by HOTEL col·lectiu escènic or HUMANHOOD, at the TNC; Israel Galván, at Teatre Auditori in Granollers; Mucha Muchacha, with music by Los Voluble, at SAT!; 2024 National Dance Award winner Luz Arcas, at Teatre Alegria in Terrassa; Argentine performer Marina Otero, at Teatre Lliure de Gràcia; Candela Capitán, at Teatre L’Artesà del Prat; the Basque Kukai Dantza company, at Teatre Sagarra in Santa Coloma, and Afrikan Party, by Supa Rich Kids by Oulouy, at Teatre Zorrilla in Badalona.

We’ll soon be providing more information on an international community project that has been in progress for months, featuring a collaboration between French choreographer Kadia Faraux and Catalan choreographer Pol Jiménez. This creation, Romeo & Carmen – Los Extranjeros III [Romeo & Carmen – Foreigners III], will be performed during the Dansa Metropolitana 2025 festival in Barcelona, Terrassa, and Sabadell.


The festival also has lots more in store, including various activities for audiences and different ways to enjoy dance through cinema, with both the Filmin platform and certain Catalan Cinema Guild theatres offering screenings of dance-related films that you won’t want to miss.

You can now check out the full programme on the website! We look forward to enjoying dance as a community with you in theatres and on streets.