Looking at the relationship between martial arts and dance, Junyi Sun will be giving a workshop for dancers and martial-arts practitioners alike. The workshop is two hours long and places are limited.
Thanks to the collaboration between the Impilo Mapantsula company and Jeremy Nedd, participants in this masterclass will be able to learn a unique style of movement, which mixes pantsula dancing from South Africa with a re-contextualisation of contemporary dance typical of the New York choreographer. Places are limited and prior booking is required, from hola@africamoment.org.
Just before the show Around the world, the Brodas Bros company will guide you through an immersive dance experience using virtual-reality glasses. Limited places, allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Elena Córdoba has taken part in Spain’s major festivals thanks to her research, which focuses on investigating various ways of understanding and conveying dance as an essential part of being human and of the body's ageing process. This masterclass introduces dancers of all levels of training to the world of this renowned dancer. It is two hours long and requires prior booking, from activitats.dansametropolitana@gmail.com.
Silvia Gribaudi offers a workshop open to all ages and abilities, where participants can discover movement through humour. An occasion for having fun and playing with current stereotypes about the body. The workshop is two hours long, and places are limited. Prior registration is required, from activitats.dansametropolitana@gmail.com.
Be enraptured by the rhythm of ATABALATS, the Esplugues de Llobregat batucada percussion group, who combine percussion, dance and theatre with a lot of verve!
A workshop for anyone who is keen to fully experience the show Euforia, with the aim of making participants feel they are part of the show, which is performed after the workshop. The workshop is an hour long and no prior registration is required.
An hour before the shows of Sant Cugat, Cornellà and Viladecans, the company organises a free workshop opened to everybody.