Due to the weather forecast, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Balla, Balla, Ballarina!


The great five-meter-high dancer from the company Antigua i Barbuda arrives in L'Hospitalet for Dansa Metropolitana 2025!

Her first appearance will be on Friday 28 March at 6 pm at the Plaça de l’Ajuntament in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat surrounded by a group of around ten ballerinas from the 4Hores School, dressed in classic white tutus. A first appearance where she will invite us to the Territori Dansa day on Saturday, March 29, where the ballerina will be making several interventions at different times of the day. A powerful aesthetic statement and exhibition of mechanical beauty seeks to touch viewers at their core.

During Territori Dansa, at 7 pm, the colossal mechanical dancer who has accompanied us throughout the day, now illuminated, will perfom BALLA, BALLA DE NIT, BALLARINA, with the tribute of the dancers of the Escola Fàbrica de Somnis, in a very original rhythmic staging.

Antigua i Barbuda presents constructions that evoke the visionaries who created parallel universes using pieces from other worlds, both past and future. These structures, born from the ingenuity and imagination of Jordà Ferré, reinvent objects seen as “trash” in a surprising and dramatic way.


Artistic sheet

Creators: Jordà Farré and the whole Antigua i Barbuda team – Performed by: 4Hores Dance School (March 28) and students of the school La Fàbrica de Somnis (March 29 BALLA, BALLA DE NIT, BALLARINA) - Musical composition: Víctor Pavía