Hacia un sol negro [Towards a black sun]


A solo that uses the performativity of competitive ballroom or sports ball to raise reflections on the figure of the dancer and the performer, and on dance itself.

Joaquin Collado considers how to alter the logic of this type of ball in order to bring out a multiple and indeterminate body and, therefore, one that is open and available to be imagined. This body moves between recognisable forms of ballroom dancing and unclassifiable, monstrous and poetic forms, in order to invoke the subversive power of the stereotypes that inhabit us. 

Joaquín Collado is a choreographer, dancer and pedagogue, self-taught in sports ballroom dance, urban dance and contemporary dance. His work has been seen at the Grec Festival in Barcelona, the Dansa València festival, the Venice Biennial, the Temporada Alta festival in Girona and the Dansa Metropolitana festival. In addition to his own projects, he also collaborates with Ça marche, a theatre company in Barcelona, and directs Paisaje, a dance festival in his home town of Villamalea (Albacete).

Artistic sheet

Director and performer: Joaquín Collado - Dramatic and choreographic accompaniment: Oriol López, Carolina Campos - Wardrobe: Carmen Triñanes - Sound: Bastien Raute - Dancesport coach: Guillem Pascal - Outside perspective: Nico Jongen - Lighting: Ivan Cascón - Coordination and production: Laura Viñals - A co-production of the Mercat de les Flors. - With the support of Théâtre de Vanves - festival ArdDanthé, CCN Grenoble, Graner fàbrica de creació de Barcelona, Institut Ramon Llull, La Briqueterie CDCN Vitry-sur-seine, L'Usine de Toulouse, Tenerife LAV, Nau Ivanow, RocaUmbert - Barcelona dance and theatre creation centre, Dansa València festival and Sala La Mutant de València, within the framework of Graners de Creació de València.

Planned functions


Mercat de les Flors
01/03/2024 19:00


Mercat de les Flors
02/03/2024 19:00


Mercat de les Flors
03/03/2024 19:00