La piel vacía/The empty skin
The skin, for a while, can be a cozy cabin, but also a prison. Through the skin we interact, but we cannot touch the interior, we cannot go through it. What does shape say about us? What is transparent in the skin? When our skin gets wrinkled, when the shape blurs, when it fades... what's left? These questions generate the dance of La piel vacía, articulated, technical, demanding, with a strong sense of form and dynamics, impulsive and implosive.
La piel vacía is part of the CIRCULA project, a dance creation and training circuit organized by the professional dance associations of Catalonia, Madrid, Basque Country, Andalusia, Valencia, Asturias and the Canary Islands.
Graduated in the Institut del Teatre, Paloma Muñoz was part of the IT Dansa company. In 2011, she premiered her first creation, Her Name is Hysteria, and since then she began her own creation until 2016 began working as Siberia with La piel vacía, a piece awarded by the Institut del Teatre which received the support of the Graner, creation factory and the Civic Center Barceloneta. Currently, the creator works on a new project titled L E V E 1 (La jamalara de la Tratano) hosted in residence at La Caldera - Les Corts.
Planned functions