Los inescalables Alpes, buscando a Currito [“The unclimbable Alps, looking for Currito”]
A contemporary flamenco show with three on-stage musicians and a choir, in which the bailaora [flamenco dancer] depicts her quest for an unattainable love. The verb “to climb” is used as a symbol of overcoming, while the ancient and atavistic concept of pilgrimage serves as a metaphor for salvation.
“Groundbreaking”, “hypnotic”, “masterful” and “visceral” are just some of the adjectives that have been used to describe María del Mar Suárez (“La Chachi”) wherever she has performed. Since 2008, “La Chachi” has been putting her own unique spin on traditional flamenco language. She has joined the recent trend of breaking down and reassessing female flamenco, similar to other artists such as Rocío Molina, El Niño de Elche and Israel Galván.
Creator, director and performer: María del Mar Suárez (“La Chachi”) Vocals: Lola Dolores Guitar: Francisco Martín Percussion: Isaac García Choir: David Sánchez Davison, Esperanza Cortes, Isaías Sánchez Lighting: Azael Ferrer Text:Cristian Alcaraz Dramaturgical support: Alberto Cortés Wardrobe: Nantú Audio-visuals: 99páginas / Tandem759 Poster and press kit design: Tiquismiquis.club Distribution: Luisa Hedo
Planned functions