Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Nunca bailaré solo / La Perla


Nunca bailaré solo:
How can the inexpressible be expressed? Can feelings of loss or hope be expressed through movement, through dance? This is precisely what Diego Garrido does in his latest piece. Diego Garrido is an artist who trained in breaking and other urban dances in Barcelona, where he co-founded the company Iron Skulls. He has performed in countries as diverse as Germany, England, the USA, Austria, Finland, Brazil, Mexico and Panama.

La Perla:
How does belonging to a group or collective affect our identity? The Iron Skulls Co was already thinking about this in Azul Petróleo [Petrol blue], a choreography that they now revisit to continue exploring the same issues. Four artists challenge the limits of movement by exploring the tension and sensitivity between individual and collective identity, making us reflect on our own human nature.

Since 2013, Iron Skulls has been investigating and innovating the limits of movement through the hybridisation of breaking in the performing arts, with the aim of transmitting culture. The sensitivity of contemporary dance, the strength of urban dance and theatre come together in performances that aim to break down the boundaries of movement. These shows in which dance merges with the visual arts and technology are the result of their passion for hybridisation.

Artistic sheet

Nunca bailaré solo:
Created and performed by: Diego Garrido Text: Alejandro Samaniego. Photography: Olga Segura Stage: Cal Gras

La Perla:
Choreographer and performers: Héctor Plaza, Moisés “Moe”, Diego Garrido, Luis Muñoz - Music: Stefan Hoffmeister - Wardrobe: Iron Skulls Co

Planned functions


Centre Cívic Fort Pienc
02/03/2024 12:00
