Due to the weather forecast for the weekend, we recommend to check the festival website and social networks before each street performance.

Activities 2022

Dansa Metropolitana proposes a complete program of activities to enjoy dance in first-person.

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WORKSHOP: Pràctiques Flamenques en Cos i Arrel

Andrea Jiménez

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PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Obrim portes, ballem?

Iron Skulls Co

MASTERCLASS: Classical dance for contemporary dancers with Miquel G. Font

Ballet Contemporani de Catalunya

PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Obrim portes, ballem?

Iván Góngora

WORKSHOP: Urban Circus (acrobatic dance and parkour)

Be Flat

FAMILY WORKSHOP: Un pastís al cel

Georgia Vardarou

PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOP: Tècnica, Composició i Recerca De Moviment

Pau Aran

DANCED TALK: Quinzena Daurada

Explica Dansa (Beatriu Daniel & Toni Jodar)

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MASTERCLASS: En búsqueda de nuevas estéticas de movimiento

Gaston Core

DANCED TALK: Explica Dansa II – A Danced Talk. Current trends

Toni Jodar

FAMILY WORKSHOP (aged 10 and over)

Cas Public

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SCHOOL EXHIBITION: Isi-si + Pop Corn, please

Associació Dansa Contemporània Sabadell

DANCED TALK: Transmissions – a danced explanation of urban dances

Guille Vidal-Ribas and Javi Casado

DANCED TALK: Posem veu al cos

Explica Dansa and Transmissions